Are you struggling to get you all your gorgeous ideas out of your head and into a beautiful masterplan that will guide you towards sharing your magic with the world…
I remember being there & that is why I’ve put together this facebook live to share #5 Potent Tips To Get Your Magic Out Into The World…
And a BONUS tip also!!!
There are so many times you’ve wanted to birth your spiritual gifts/talents and passion and yet every time without fail after the excitement has worn off, your fears float back into your awareness and drown out magical moment of inspired action you’re were just about to take…
This is the very reason I wanted to share these powerful tips that will radically bring you back into flow, alignment and open the gateway to your intuition & human self so that together they work as one united entity…
So let’s dive right in to discover how these tips will bring you back to the pathway of inspired action that you feel enthusiastic about taking…
#5 Potent Tips To Share Your Magic
#1 – Let Your Magic Flow
A lot of the time your desire to control every aspect of the dream, goal or masterplan and that only detracts you aware of your natural state…
Release the desire to control everything and relax into the flow…
Flow is where alignment connects and intuition filters through… This is where your magic exists…
#2 – Soul Whispers
Intuition is the direct communication coming through the sacred source of divine wisdom from your soul… Tune into this powerful soulful guidance that is available at any time for anything you need…
If you notice that your intuition is not coming through with clarity or you feel less confident with the intuitive information, then go back to No #1 of ‘let your magic flow’ and see what you are controlling and not flowing with…
#3 – Flexibility
Your self-expectation, timelines, and pressures you apply to yourself can derail you… Don’t get me wrong its important as part of fulfilling deadlines and keeping you inspired, motivated and allowing the momentum of energy to flow…
However when it switches from vibration and starts to deflate your confidence than it’s important to examine why and course correct…
#4 – Confidence
Your ability to believe in a dream that others can not see is imperative to your journey…
Sometimes as humans we seek outside ourselves for validation and support from loved ones, friends and family members… Yet, when they may not have the understanding to see what you can or feel the deep inner calling that is fuelling you then they lack the capacity to give you what you want…
This is where support from like-minded people will step into that place and provide the nourishment and encouragement you seek… And inspires you to connect with that courageous version of self…
Remember courage is confidence in action…
#5 – Don’t Quit!!!
Whenever you reach that point where you want to quit is an incredibly important moment to recognize that something isn’t aligned… So take a step back, take a few deep breathes or a small break to clear your head, heart, and energy…
Then review the previous 4 tips above to observe where the lack is so that you can channel more energy into those areas and make it become your strength and finish the dream/goal or a passion…
It’s vital to the progression of your journey to success that you support your mental/emotional self through nourishing it with positive thoughts, internal dialogue, affirmations/mantras…
What you fill your mind with will be what generates the energy for inspired action…
Now for the BONUS tip, I mentioned earlier – here it is…
Intention & Action
As you follow your dreams/goals and passion, take valuable time aside to ALWAYS tune into making sure that your pure soul-based intention and actions are continually aligned throughout your journey towards success…
I hope that these potent tips provide such clarity and direction for you in the pursuit of turning dreams into reality so that your magic can be birthed into the new world being consciously created right now…
Enjoy gorgeous…
If you would love additional support through this process, then email me at: and write how I can best support you either through a:
* Reading
* Soul Mentoring
* Sacred Oracle Program or
* All of the above
So I know how I can assist you to shine your soul essence with the world
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher