How To Let Your Spiritual Creativity Flow Freely

Weekly Energy Forecast For June 15th – 21st with the Overall Theme Being: Let Your Spiritual Creativity Flows Freely

Monday & Tuesday – Spiritual Being – I give permission to honour my spiritual essence & celebrate my spiritual journey…
Wednesday – Friday – Inner Child – Your inner child is wanting to connect to share a message…
Saturday & Sunday – Feathers – Feathers have presented themselves to show you, your loved ones are present…

As each new week presents beautiful new energy that infuses with your soul… Here is this Weeks Energy Forecast presented from the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards…

The start of the week commences with a jumping card of the ‘Spiritual Being’ card… Meaning that this card provides a powerful message of reconnecting with your spiritual essence…

For the latter part of the past nearly 3 months with COVID 19, lockdowns and entering into a new world that has no guidelines from which to follow leaving everyone feeling new feels that they’ve never felt before & filled with so much uncertainty…

For a lot of the time, they have been operating from the headspace trying to rationalise life and find the logic in our current times, and now your soul is asking that unite all parts of self to guide you through into new world…

Your spiritual essence is about giving yourself permission to integrate both spiritual awareness with a human existence…

Learning every day through experiences that empower you… Collating knowledge & wisdom along the way leading you back to your most authentic self where your soul can shine … 

This week’s awakening your creative channel for adventure and self-discovery… Exploring your spiritual soulfulness through any kind of spiritual content that resonates with you, learning how you can tap into the divine spiritual essence that reconnects you with your soul…

And strengthening your intuitive guidance on a variety of channels to express who you are whilst you collapse those old paradigms of the old world you and rebirth a renewed you freely…

As you release those chains that kept you limiting your full potential you’re greeted with the ‘Inner Child’ card message of dream big… With Mercury Retrograde beginning on June 18th through till July 12th, this window into the soul offers themes of:


Mercury Retrograde supports the reinvention of anything or all about yourself… You are not confined to what society thinks you should… You decide who you want to be but you’ll need to go within to expose your self imposed restrictions & ignite your soul…

The past month has prepared you for this very moment…

From learning ‘how to cultivate self-belief’ 2 weeks ago to the ‘soul seeking your truth’ last week… All of these previous weeks energy awareness has supported you believe that whatever you can dream you can achieve…

The New Moon gateway opens on Saturday, June 20th inviting the enchantment of alchemy, manifestations, a plethora of universal magic as well & an abundance of love that is showering from above from your dearly departed loved ones who reside in heaven…

So watch out for the feathers that float into your awareness & appear from nowhere… Or those photos that no longer sit straight and as you walk by you wonder how they’ve moved, to music that ignites memories of past loved ones or even feeling their presence…

These are reminders from your past loved ones that they know you here to live an abundant life and fulfill your dreams…  And they’re here to support you along with the transition to making dreams become your reality…

Are you ready to show your soul and attune with your innate wealth frequency…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards are used for this week’s oracle cards, click here to learn more:

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