How To Neutralise The Effects Of A Full Moon

Getting to the beach is your greatest asset through this luna phase… A full moon can have a multitude of effects on your overall health & wellbeing… Here are just a few that you may connect with:

Mentally – crazy thoughts/dreams, past memories, overthinking & procrastinating…
Emotionally – feeling anxious/depressed, introverted or withdrawn, overly sensitive…
Physically – energy depletion/exhaustion, heavy or sluggish, even bloating in some cases & sleep deprivation…
Spiritual/Soulful – scattered, unbalanced, lack trust with your intuition & pick up other people’s energy. Leaving you feeling even more drained..

Now everyone will experience a full moon period differently… Some people connect with the symptoms mentioned above and others feel like their bouncing off the walls with rejuvenation, excitement and elevated levels of energy… 

There is no right or wrong…

Although I do want to reach out to those experiencing any of the symptoms, I mentioned above… As these symptoms can last up to two weeks, which can be utterly draining & stressful…

Anytime through a full moon cycle being a week or so before when these symptoms start showing up or even after the full moon, get to the beach…

The enormous body of water supplied everywhere, thanks to Mother Earth, provides so much inner peace & re-established balance again… And who doesn’t want to feel that – right?

The rhythmic action of the waves rolling into the shoreline work alongside your heart cardiac rhythm… Which helps to lower your heart rate, deactivating the cycle of stress & neutralising your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual/soulful wellbeing…

This simple yet effective act of sitting at the beach looking into the abyss has the ability to lose yourself yet find your soul self again… 

Within minutes you’ll notice an inner calm wash over you… You’ll become more consciously aware of feeling:

Inner Peace 
Trust Your Intuitive Guidance
And An Overwhelming Desire To Sleep
– Restful sleep where healing can take place to integrate all your learning from the Full Moon…

Give yourself permission to bathe in the beauty of Mother Earth to receive the healing you need after a Full Moon…

Much Love 
Rachael xx
International Psychic & Intuition Teacher