Integrations Of Your Manifestations

Weekly Energy Forecast For April 5th -11th
The Overall Theme Is: Integration Of Your Manifestations

This week the very first card of the weekly energy forecast was again A JUMPING CARD!!! And as you know a jumping card is a sacred message being conveyed from your soul through the act of jumping out of the deck when shuffling the deck…

So I love how both the first card of the forecast and Monday’s card (which is the STOP card) message align to reveal that rest & balance is an integral part of the manifestation process and it’s in the quietness that you can tune into your intuitive guidance…

So if you’re feeling a decline in your energy, don’t be alarmed, it’s been divinely orchestrated to slow you down and go within to receive soulful guidance to assist you along your personal and spiritual journey…

Through each of the card in this weeks energy forecast here are some more divinely inspired messages that are being revealed this week…

This week’s energy is guiding you towards:
🌊 Restore, rebalance and realign with your dreams|goals|vision…
🪶 Receive celestial support from your passed-over loved ones…
🎼 Allow the music that you feel connected with to become a portal to clear any low vibrations and deeply connect you with your manifestations…

💰 As you follow the guidance from above allows you to be receptive to receive a plethora of abundance available to you…

Have a peaceful & zen-like week ahead gorgeous…


Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher