The week leading up to a New Moon is so powerful & filled with potent droplets of inspiration into your consciousness, it is a beautiful way invite the magic of the New Moon with gorgeous rituals…
Rituals are a beautiful way to connect more deeply with your soul self that will open the doorway to your intuition…
As you know, your soul is always there to guide, support & reveal anything you desire to know… Your role here is to be open to allow yourself to receive…
Your soul will provide intuitive nudges along the way to let you know you’re on the right track with gut feelings, that deep inner knowing to do something even when you’re not sure why, or even put you in the exact right place to meet someone that could help you turn dreams into reality…
The New Moon is about planting the seed of desires & taking inspired action towards your dreams & desires… Then allow the universe to co-create with you through signs & synchronicities…
Give yourself permission to take some reflective time out this weekend to focus clearly on what it is that you want to manifest with the New Moon…
New Moon rituals have the power to tap into that space of hope & belief that what you want to manifest has the potential to come true… These two gorgeous qualities of hope & belief spark a renewed sense of vitality & inspiration that will recharge & recalibrate your energy to match your intentions with ease…
The simple truth is that if you don’t know how to connect with your soul self, then you miss out on your own superpowers…
Here are 5 Powerful Steps of Magical Intention Setting for when you’re ready to become a magnet to attract your freaking amazing dreams into your reality now…
#1… Manifesting Material
Writing your intentions down is a powerful & symbolic gesture honouring your soul journey & what is deeply important to you…
The act of putting your intentions down from pen to paper opens the channel to your heart… That space from which you soul resides & pulsates through your whole entire beingness…
I would highly recommend you try my Intention Reset Workbook… It’s FREE and has been used by my intuition alignment students & other people around the world as a process to magnify their manifestations…
#2… Create A Sacred Space
This is beautiful moment you get to bring your own energetic frequency to the intention process…
Create a sacred space that honours your spiritual/soulful beliefs & allows the magic to flow freely…
This is the moment where you can bring in candles, saging, essentials oils or diffusers, crystals, journals, music or any other symbolic items that help you connect deeply with your soul…
#3… Grounding
Before you start your writing process it is always important to ground your energy with mother earth so that as you write your intention, the guidance comes from your intuitive soul self not just that logical human mind that wants to rationalise everything…
Here is a mantra to help connect with mother earth and ground in her energy as you tap into intuition…
#4. Breathe
There are two main reason you can find a challenge to connect with your intuition…
#1 Busy mind…
#2 Lack of trust…
You can bypass the crazy busy mind consumed by thousands of incoming thoughts simply by focusing your attention on your breath…
What I like to do here is actually mentally say:
Breathe in – hold – breathe out
This way you are giving that beautiful mind of yours instructions to work cohesively with you so that you can become one with self…
The breath calms the mind and opens the gateway to your intuition… That way you are 100% more inclined to trust the information that comes through for you…
#5… Magic & Momentum
As you sit to write your intentions from your heart get carried away by your dreams… Give them the freedom to expand beyond your logical mind to really dream BIG!!! Let yourself get in the flow of what dreams look like, tune into the feeling of your dreams, hear what you would say when you’ve accomplished them & know within the depths of your soul that you have the potential to make your dreams come true…
This ritual is with YOU in mind, so you can write without judgement of what anyone else’s opinion..
It is a natural part of the process for doubt or fears to creep in as you set your intentions… So, resist the urge to get into a mental mind struggle with them & choose what internal dialogue you want your mind to be consumed with…
Let’s reframe doubts into desires or action plans… For example, if a doubt popped up like:
Who are you to think you could do ______________(insert dream) you could reframe it to I am a powerful creator that pursues my dreams with ease… I allow my intuition to guide me every step of the way & follow the guidance I receive… So it is…
Perception is everything, you can either buy into the doubts or let them flow in yet not attach to them & redirect your mind back to your intentions, breathe life into your dreams & reinstall new beliefs that align with your intentions…
After a new moon, many people start to notice signs almost immediately… Aligning intuition, intentions & universal guidance…
New Moon Blessing To You All
Much Love
Rachael xx