How To Get To The Core Of Your Old Beliefs Or Past Pains & Clear Them Upon The Full Moon… This content I’m about to share with you can be used at any given time, ok gorgeous…
The full moon is a time of illuminating those areas within self that you deem not good enough or parts of self that have been hurt that you hide away…
When we hide parts of self we become fragmented and your soul is urging you to feel whole… So this exercise I’m about to break down for you is to really dive in deep and discover the real core issue that is driving the desire to hide from…
A lot of the times as humans we dance around the superficial layer of the problem and heal that, when in actually fact as you begin to explore that superficial layers of pain/trauma & things we deny within self that the real root of the problems requires investigating and I’m going to show you how…
Mind Maps Of The Soul is all around giving yourself permission to be real, raw and honest about your feelings, emotions, thoughts and most importantly ownership in any given situation… That is where your superpowers become unleashed…
So you’ll need a piece of paper & pen… For this exercise please keep an open mind and keep it a judgement free zone… You can follow along with the video below as well for more clarity…
You are here to explore to get to the core of your beliefs so you can clear them ok… If you notice judgement of any form enters in throughout the exercise, get up and take a break for 5 minutes ok…
1… Like any other mind map, at the centre of the paper write down what is the issue that keeps presenting itself… Is it an old situation, a problem with a person, an actions or behaviour you want to stop or start doing, is there an some resolved hurt around a traumatic experience you’ve had etc…
2… Now, close your eyes, focus only on your breathe for a minute or two and I want to you draw all your attention/energy to belief you’ve written down… All the energy, any images, feelings, emotions, thoughts around this time in your life and allow yourself to be fully immersed in the feeling attached to this belief…
3… Now when you open your eyes draw lines out from the centre & write everything your think & feel about this situation… How it affected you, what stories or beliefs you took on board from this experience & what is continuing to be activated or triggered within you…
Write from your heart, not your logical head… Allow all that energy you connected into to be full expressed right now…
4… When you’ve finished writing everything out, take a look and give yourself permission to honour what you’ve just written…
5… From here, discover if you can see a reoccurring them… It could reveal that you don’t feel good enough, that you’re not worthy, that you don’t deserve love/happiness etc…
6… Throughout your life we store and hold onto beliefs as if they’re supposed to stay with you for a lifetime… Not anymore… I want you to ask this question and tune into the answer…
DO YOU BELIEF IN THIS ANYMORE!!! Just allow the answer to surface…
7… If the answer is NO or FUCK NO or even a HELL NO, then you’re ready to clear this limiting belief…
8… But first before you do… I want you consider, what was your role in this situation… How did you contribute to it or continue to keep embedding this belief afterwards…
It’s important to understand that any given experience you play a role in it… When you take ownership for your participation of it is the very divine moment you take your personal power back and realise that from here on in, you can design the life you want…
9… Now that you’ve discovered your core limiting belief, expressed and honoured how you felt and go within to ask if you want to keep this belief anymore, along with realising what your role is – now becomes the transformation…
10… What NEW belief do you want to install within you… What is it that you want to align with… How do you want to be treated & what healthy new boundaries do you want to embed into your reality right now…
11… Once you have all this written out consider what actions steps on a beingness/energy level and a doingness level can you do to strengthen this new belief… This part is vital for the overall transformation…
From here you decide how you want to live life on your terms… How would you like you’re life to look like on the inside and outside… Be open, expansive and allow that creative aspect of self to explore all the options available to you…
12… Lastly, tune in and ask yourself if you’d like to burn your mind map for the soul… If yes, go outside with your papers and before you burn them release all that you’ve written with intention… You could say a mantra like “As I burn these papers, I release myself on a mind, body, soul & spiritual level from all the blame, shame, guilt and anger (express your core emotions here) and energetically release myself from this time and space…” And as you burn it repeat: “ I am whole and complete from this moment on…
This symbolic gestures of exploring where your pain originates from allows you to really get in touch with your truth around your experience and that is what your soul craves for is to have a deep understanding along with massive A ha moments that allow you to have a new perception around this matter along with allowing deep healing to take place…
After you have done this exercise please give yourself permission to be gentle with yourself over the coming few days as your cells will be recalibrating the new version of you and because when you get in touch with your truth requires great courage and bravery to confront the very thing that has been holding you back…
Healing will begin within that can consume a lot of energy so be mindful of this and continue to focus on building the new through your actions…
And now it’s time to give yourself a huge high five moment for delving within to explore your truth of what you belief right now…
I’m so proud of you & hope you’re proud of you too…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher