A New Moon period is a strong manifestation of magic as the mind is expansive allowing freedom of your imagination and not confined by the human mind…
You will be encouraged to be open to change and opportunity and a sense that we are moving forward and growing…
The New Moon will have two aspects working cohesively together which are: transformation & passion
Let’s look at how transformation on all levels will appear this New Moon… It is very much a time of transformation to support you in making long-overdue changes…
Any New Moon energy encourageses you to face your fears and any buried or suppressed emotions/patterns of behaviour be addressed so that they can no longer control you… Your soul is governed by truth & facts… Any residual thoughts, feeling, emotions, and even crappy old stories that have kept you confined will be hitting your BS barometer…
You may be experiencing the feeling of wanting to be a little isolated as you continue to work on decluttering your energetic field from anything that has been previously blocking you before…
Now is a time of releasing your untruths… You’re now becoming so strong and capable of catching your limitations that the moment they surface and want to experience the freedom of these low vibing emotions that keep you stuck and trapped from moving forward…
As Scorpio is a water sign, emotions are rising into your consciousness… So, honour and feel into them so that you can finally lay to rest all that no longer serves you, so you can truly embrace the energy of the New Moon magic…
Transformation occurs when you’re no longer controlled by your emotions… Instead, you’ll possess the ability to tap into the innate wisdom of your lessons & only take the learnings from the experience, not the painful memories… Therefore, developing a stronger connection with self…
The aspect of passion will occur as you connect within to what you want to manifest/ work towards over the next 30 days or before the next full moon…
This energy frequency is centered around obtaining clarity first, then using the analogy of harvesting… This is the time of planting the seeds of your desires and allowing your passion to fuel you over the next 30 days…
This energy can be tapped into over this New Moon period to stay centered around fulfilling your deepest desires into reality…
Open yourself to expand with this beautiful new energy and give yourself permission to work cohesively with the universe…Knowing that you don’t have to do this journey alone…
Manifesting is about teamwork between your soul self & the universe… You showing up and doing the work that aligns with your passion, yet also being aware that the universe will come through & guide you through signs & synchronicities elevating your belief that your desires are not just pipe dreams, but rather that can be materialized into this reality…
Your soul self will support you through your intuition giving your intuitive hunches, gut feeling, attracting people into your realm to help achieve your goals along with the guidance on what is not working also…
Together you can become unstoppable in the pursuit of emotional mastery & conquering your fears to live that life of freedom to BE YOU!!!
All you have to do is believe & allow the momentum of energy to surge through you daily as you take inspired action towards knowing that this is your time to shine…
Much Love
Rachael xx
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