Yet another beautiful Full Moon tonight for Australia, ( please check your location for accurate date)… This full moon I feel has been one that is quiet different in its lessons that she reveals…
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Learning From Your Life Lessons…
This time I feel that this full moon has offered the lesson of insight... Insight into recognising just how far you have grown…
By revisiting old pains, events or being around lower vibrating people, we gain valuable wisdom by becoming completely aware that that space, you can no longer visit anymore because you are not the same person you once where… You have outgrown this space because of the internal work you have done…
Sometimes timing is the essence to gain a whole renewed sense of understanding…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Playfulness – Make time for fun & adventure… Playfulness rejuvenates your zest for life…
Wednesday – Friday – Speak Your Truth – Speak from your heart & connect with your truth…
Saturday & Sunday – Music For The Soul – Listen to music that uplifts your spirit & flows through every cell… As you sign & dance there is a freedom that accompanies this action…
This week is about celebrating your evolution of growth, changing your language to match this new growth and then shifting the energy thats circulating within your physical body so that everything within you is vibrating at the same frequency…
Much Love
Rachael xx