Have you ever had those moments where your making big changes in your life and doing so much internal work and the BAM out of nowhere the old ego raises it head and reminds you of all those fears you thought you’d work through???
Let me share with you that, that resistence is a truly amazing gift to share with you that as you transforming your life, the ego is fighting you because it wants to keep you playing small…
Every fear or lower vibrating thoughts you once said or believed within, comes to the surface to remind you of the progress you have made and that you have just about brake through the threshold into the new level of evolution for yourself…
But what happens at this very moment is that, if you stay here in this space listening to all these old negative thoughts it will start to trigger off the emotions & feelings that associate to those thoughts, leaving you slipping back to old world…
Humans will do anything to make pain go away and emotional pain can sometimes be worse them physical pain… So when your ego pushed back at you, you can either go back to old world that you have worked so hard to move from or realise that this very moment is your gift…
Gift of showing you just how far you have grown and that a new perception of understanding that this resistence is your ego becoming less powerful is a game changer…
All you need to do at this time is just keep believing and doing what you’re doing because you have just about crossed that threshold where you can no longer go back to that old version of you…
You are growing and evolving so give thanks each time that old ego pops up, its reminding you that doing awesome…
Much Love
Rachael xx