This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Soul Emergence
Monday & Tuesday – Spiritual Being – I give permission to honour my spiritual essence & celebrate my spiritual journey…
Wednesday – Friday – Change – Positive change is occurring on a soul level… It is safe for you to emerge from behind the mask…
Saturday & Sunday – Reflection – The reflection of the self represents the internal beliefs you hold about how you look… You judge yourself based on what you see…
Yet another powerful message coming through the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards…

This week follows on from a gorgeous New Moon In Gemini… And continues on from the weekend energy being to fall in love with your spiritual practices… Each person has an array of spiritual tools yet sometimes forget to exercise them on a regular basis…
The divine guidance that comes through the ‘Spiritual Being’ card is that when you continue your spiritual routines on a day to day basis this will be like spiritual training… Like any exercise the more you do it the stronger your intuitive muscle becomes…
As you reconnect to your spiritual essence & train your intuitive muscle you develop this most incredible soulful relationship with your cosmic team…
The love that your soul and the universal cosmos has for you is unlimited and overflowing for you…
And each time you immerse yourself in spiritual practises you open your arms and heart to receive that divine love being showered upon you & give permission for your ultimate source of life force energy to flow through you & radiate out externally into the world where you can be so unapologetically you at a soul core essence…
And as you become more and more introduced to the real raw gorgeous you, is the moment you emerge from the mask that acts as a masquerade to camouflage your heart n soul that comes through the ‘Change’ card… There seems to be a push and pull at letting your guard down and being all that you are, yet some intrinsic parts of self you’ve kept hidden for so long that revealing these parts of self leaves you to feel so vulnerable…
And this is where your beliefs and values will play an enormous role this week…
Investigating what beliefs are real and which ones need to be challenged and essentially dissolved from your frequency across all levels…
As you embark on pursuing your dreams |intentions or manifestations from the New Moon your soul will expose any untruths that could become potential obstacles or obstructions that could inhibit your progress towards success…
This is a divinely inspired opportunity to review what you want to keep, expunge what you don’t want, and recalibrate into a new energy vortex…
Yet as the weekend unfolds is vital to remember that you are here as a human exploring this earth and your spiritual essence and at times you fumble, make mistakes, and often learn the hard way… This doesn’t mean anything is wrong, it just means your human so stop being so judgemental within yourself…
A lot of truly gifted spiritual people can be so generous at being open-minded with other people yet judge themselves harshly when they’ve made mistakes…
The last card of this weeks oracle message bieng the ‘Reflection’ card is a warning card…
A warning that judgment destroys the heart and soul and you are worthy of so much more than that behaviour or attitude…
If you find yourself in those moments of harsh judgement ask yourself
“How would you treat someone you love?” and follow that same guidance…
Your faith in your spiritual practise & strengthening you’re your intuitive muscle will liberate you from judgement & magnify your relationship with your cosmic team…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert |Intuition Teacher