Weekly Energy Forecast For April 27th – May 3rd
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Warrior Queen
This weeks energy forecast comes to you through the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards
Monday & Tuesday – The World – The world is your oyster… Success shall follow…
Wednesday – Friday – Courage – You have the courage of a lion… The eyes of a lion embody absolute focus, clarity & self-belief…
Saturday & Sunday – Strength – I am at peace with who I am

This week I’ve decided to change things up a bit due to the first card being a jumping card… A jumping card is when a card flies out of the deck when you shuffle and the direct soulful message – take notice…
Now when this occurs you may have already felt attuned to the energy of that card message and dismissed it, not connected with it or thought that maybe you had put that thought there yourself so talked yourself out of the card energy message…
So I wanted to use this jumping card message of the ‘Warrior Queen’ to be the overarching theme that the other 3 cards directly connect back into…
So the ‘Warrior Queen’ energy message is:
Orange sacral chakra – the creative expression of self that others may not be able to understand your journey because your journey is designed for you only… So, it’s ok if others can’t see what you can or know what is deep within your soul…
The only person that it matters to is you…
We all usually want for family, friends and loved ones to support your choices and see the vision you have, but it’s not always the case… But that doesn’t mean you can’t follow your dreams… All you have to do believe in yourself, stay true to you & your own personal soulful journey & have a deep conviction of your current path…
Emotions on the girls face means – self-worth, determination, courage and self-belief…
Additional intuitive cues are:
The feathers are messages from passed family members showering you with love and supporting you through life…
The sunflower means, following the light within and let it shine back out in your convictions of self…
Geometry border is to follow your truth for you with courage and determination. Even though she looks like she is looking out she is actually looking within into her truth for her…
Now to tie back in the 3 weekly cards message with this overarching message being…
Monday & Tuesday is ‘The World’ card… Wow, what a potent message reminding you of your current path to living your purpose will be successful and filled with a plethora of abundance…
Abundance being prosperity, wealth, support, guidance, confidence, self-belief & love from passed loved ones and your cosmic team… Who knows that your destiny is written in the stars… With all this cosmic support the path forward is in divine timing…
What I love about the card message is that the world is also waiting for you to shine your magic as well…
So, everything is pointing towards the success you want…
Are you ready to take the inspired action, feel aligned and in flow with your New Moon intentions from last week? Through accessing the stillness of your mind it will activate that deep connection to your intentions, breathe life into them so that all your senses, frequency, and every cell is vibrating confidence towards your purpose…
Midweek, when the card of ‘Courage’ shows up, is a gentle reminder that courage does not mean that fear isn’t present… No!!! However, it does mean you have everything within you to face any obstacle…
Courage is confidence is action…
So, every step towards your purpose is one step closer to success… Have the courage to block out anything that doesn’t vibe your conviction, confidence, and determination to achieve your dreams, goals & aspirations…
The card of card offers two options…
#1 – Hide from that deep calling from your soul that is revealing your purpose and pretend it doesn’t matter when in truth it does or
#2 – Access that determination and self-belief to know that you can achieve anything you set your mind too…
Your decision you make now will have lasting implications…
But I know that if you reading or listening to this week’s energy forecast, your soul has guided you here because living your purpose means so much to you… And all you needed to know was how to align with current energy & live from your highest self of the Warrior Queen within…
Which brings in the gorgeous energy of the weekend being the ‘strength’ card…
As you’ve followed the guidance of your cosmic team, believed in yourself & your purpose this has opened the gateway to be at peace with yourself…
You’re aware of your strengths and weakness and what shines through the most is that you love, accept are comfortable in your own skin… This is your self-confidence radiating through you, around you, and from within you…
There is nothing sexier than someone who believes in themselves… Which is the true epitome of the Warrior Queen… That even though you don’t know every single step to follow your dream you only needed to know the first step, believe in yourself, and allow your cosmic team to guide you along your pathway to living your purpose…
And that gorgeous, is powerful…
If your soul guidance leans towards wanting to learn how to develop your intuition, read oracle cards with confidence & trust, or feel deeply attuned to become an oracle reader to transform lives, then I invite you a FREE Sacred Soul Chat & let’s see how to make that dream a reality for you…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert |Intuition Teacher