The World Is Your Oyster

Weekly Energy Forecast For April 5th – 11th
This Weeks OVerall Theme Is: The World Is Your Oyster

Hope you’ve had a fabulous Easter 🐰 break… Here on the GC has been nothing but rain, rain and more rain💦… So all your curly haired beautiful souls, I feel your pain of the constant battle of uncontrollable hair that looks like your finger has been in a power socket & left you with frizzy hair (even with product in there)…🤣 First-world problem – I know!!!! lol…

Anyway, let’s move on to this week’s energy forecast which is filled with potent soul guidance because each of the 3 card are ALL jumping cards… Wow!!! 

Yep!!! It’s a big wow… As you know, jumping cards a definitive message coming from your soul that you may have overlooked or simply thought it was you speaking to yourself and dismissed the intuitive guidance… 

So each individual message is powerful in its own right AND as a collectiveness too…

So let’s dive & discover what your soul is revealing to you this week… 

This week’s energy is guiding you towards:
* A shift in beliefs that aligns with success…
* Reflection, reassess & strengthen your weakness…
* What spiritual practices have fallen away from that now need to be introduced again into your daily practice… 

Have a truly gorgeous week ahead…


Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher