Time To Do The Shadow Work

Weekly Energy Forecast For August 16th – 22nd
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Time To Do The Shadow Work

This week’s Energy is guiding you towards:
Awakening your power, potential & possibilities…
Shifting into a higher vibration by releasing the old & transforming the trajectory of your energy towards remembering who the fuck you are!…
Working on both the human being – the spiritual inner shadow work & the human doing of taking the aligned action required to achieve the success you deeply desire; as an active participant of co-creating the life you know you are worthy of with Soul & Source…

Here are the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards that came through:
Monday & Tuesday – HOPE – Stars shine so bright they highlight your willpower & determination to reach all your goals. Hope aligns you with faith to believe in yourself…
Wednesday – Friday – ILLUSIONS – Breakthrough illusions and re-discover a new you…
Saturday – Sunday – REFLECTION – The reflection of the self represents the internal beliefs you hold about how you look. You judge yourself based on what you see…

Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards are used for this week’s oracle cards: http://bit.ly/2iDUXE