Weekly Energy Forecast For 17th – 24th September

We begin this week wrapping up a transitional period between the full moon and the new moon on the Wednesday the 20th September.

A time to refocus on intentions, desires & dreams. Let your mind explore what this means for you and bring in all your senses to really feel into your imaginative ideas.

If you can dream it, you can create it.

This weeks overall theme is: Don’t be distracted by the mental mind chatter! Plan, eliminate & execute!

Monday & Tuesday – Focus – Your mind is brimming with so many ideas it makes it a challenge to focus.
Wednesday – Friday – Rise Above – Rise above any situation & connect with universal energies to obtain clarity.
Saturday & Sunday – Clairvoyance – Your intuition comes through visual signs. Connect with your third eye to harness this ‘clair’ sense.

Solitude – Draw all you energy inwards for there is where all the answers await.
Music For The Soul – Listen to music that uplifts your spirit & flows through every cell. As you sing & dance, there is a freedom that accompanies this action.

Have a fabulous week, setting beautiful intentions that align with the direction your wanting to pursue…

Much Love
Rachael xx