This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Let Go & Trust
This week’s heralds a double meaning… One about the internal feelings you hold about yourself and also about following your dreams as well…
The start of the week reveals that your loved ones are with you through your inner struggles this week and are there to support you every step of the way…
A lot of the times you forget to reach out to your cosmic to ask for guidance or support… This is a gentle reminder from your loved ones that they are there for you…
Just ask for any assistance & they’ll be right there for you…
Remember, you don’t need to do this journey alone…
Now Xmas day through till Friday shows the inner frustrations presenting themselves… Now the double meaning of this is asking you to challenge any inner dialogue that may represent
✪ Not feeling good enough
✪ You’re not worthy or
✪ Not allowing yourself to receive…
As Xmas day (Dec 25th) is a gorgeous potent New Moon
So as you challenge any inner dialogue that is not conducive to your evolution of growth this helps to reset your energy so that as you set powerful intentions upon the New Moon that you energy frequency is set to that of believing in yourself on all levels…
This frustration card also reveals being dissatisfied about not having accomplished all that you wanted in 2019… However 2019 is not over yet and also take a step back and really grasp how much you HAVE accomplished…
The New Moon open the lunar portal to call in universal assistance & soul guidance to support you to achieve anything you can dream of…
Remember your dreams don’t have expiry dates its only that human aspect of self that can be really rigid and feel like a failure when things don’t unfold under the timeframes you place upon yourself…
Take a breath, reset your energy frequency and tap into the magic of your dreams and write all those gorgeous intentions to plant the seeds of accomplishing those dreams…
This Week’s ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Feathers – Feather have presented themselves to show you that your loved ones are present…
Wednesday – Friday – Frustration – What you think is frustrating is only surface deep… Look below the surface to discover the real core issue… Saturday & Sunday – Pathways – Follow your intuitive guidance that leads you to the pathway of happiness…
Now the weekend gives those intuitive nudges reminding you that you’re on the right pathway from challenging those inner demons that tell you you’re not good enough, not worthy or repel all the great things for you…
Happiness is an inside job…
Never leave your happiness in the hands of others that don’t fully understand why you’re pursuing your dreams…
Take that personal power back and give yourself that happiness you secretly desire… Your happiness is your own personal responsibility… Take charge of what will make you happy and also write that as part of your New Moon Intentions…
Make 2020 the best year ever… You are worthy of making your dreams come true…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher