This weeks overall theme is: Stay In Your Flow Of Energy
The full moon has the ability to really amp up your energy and engage in deep intense emotional states that we can let filter through the coming weeks…
This weeks is all about recalibrating your energy back to its natural state and allowing your energy & the energy of the universe to flow through unobstructed…
Let the energy of joy, happiness & fun to break those intense emotions of the full moon & let you enjoy the life you are creating…
Even if triggers present themselves in the mid week, honour them but, you don’t need to buy into those limiting thoughts… You can continue to invoke that fun energy to flow through even with fear based thoughts & continue to move in the direction of overcoming obstacle you have placed upon yourself…
Because by the weekend Mother Earth of offering her services of rebalancing & harmonising all parts of self – mind, body, soul & spirit through visiting the ocean as a way to cleanse & continue that beautiful flow of energy to circulate through you…
Remember – The only thing holding you back is you…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Card Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Playfulness – Make time for fun & adventure… Playfulness rejuvenates your zest for life…
Wednesday – Friday – Limitations – Visualise yourself succeeding… Breathe in success & let go of limiting thoughts…
Saturday & Sunday – Ocean Calling – The ocean is calling your soul to restore balance…
Much Love
Rachael xx