This weeks overall theme is: LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS!!!
It doesn’t matter what age you are right now, Im sure there are some expectations you feel necessary to have met by your age by now – right???
This week your soul is bring a new message of letting go of those old expectations that have been placed on everyone of us all, that we need to hit certain expectations to warrant being good enough… Ie… Married by a certain age, kids by a certain age, by a house by a certain age, have that house paid of by a certain age… The list goes on…
Well, all these levels of society expectations are squashing every once of your beingness… because if you have hit these levels there is a sense of relief and feel great, yet if you haven’t met these bars by now, you judge yourself of being not good enough…
Time is NOW to simply just let go… We all reach these levels when the time is right and these bars/expectations only keep you playing small, hiding, making excuses or blaming situation for why you haven’t got there yet… All of this emotional torture…
Not anymore… Free yourself from those shackles of expectation & there you will truly blossom…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Spiritual Being – I give permission to honour my spiritual essence & celebrate my spiritual journey…
Wednesday – Friday – The World – The world is your oyster… Success shall follow…
Saturday & Sunday – Clairvoyance – Your intuition comes through visual signs… Connect with your third sys to harness this clair sense…
Much Love
Rachael xx