This Weeks Overall Them Is: Getting To Know Yourself On A Deeper Level…
This coming week is preparing you for the coming New Moon & Mercury going direct on the 16th April… Now even though Mercury goes direct it can take a week or so for that full energy of communication to come fully back into play…
Now by now you would of heard me speak about New Moons are for setting intentions – right??? Yet the step before intentions is about obtaining clarity… Hence why the start of the week is asking you to take time out to contemplate what is not working for you in areas or attributes within your life first…
Some people may be called to make either simple or drastic changes… As the New Moon is in Aries which is all about being productive & a fire go getting sign… Yet resist the urge to just now to go go go, take productive to check in with yourself first so can really focus on your desires first so when the action steps present themselves you KNOW that they are the right choice for you…
There is a real pull towards taking better care of yourself on all areas & levels of self… So make yourself a priority as much as you make others needs an importance…
The New Moon is a beautiful symbolic time to think of your dreams/goals/desires you seek as tiny seeds that require to be earthed, water & nourished for them to blossom & bloom into the future…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Contemplation – Focus on your desires & align with your soul contract…
Wednesday – Friday – Hope – Star shine bright they highlight you willpower & determination to reach your goals… Hope aligns you with faith to believe in yourself…
Saturday & Sunday – Ocean Calling – The ocean is calling your soul to restore balance…
Have a most beautiful week…
Much Love
Rachael xx