This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Take A Breath & Believe!!!
You’ve heard the expression that everything turns up in the right divine timing… Well this week is one of those moments… The Full Moon of last week provided the final portal of 2019 to leave behind anything that has been holding you back, kept you small or consciously hide behind through fear…
It may have shown up as a reactionary emotional response like guilt, anger, or even shame & that delivered that final piece in the puzzle that has been holding you back from access your own magic that has bestowed within you…
This has opened a new turning point where fear is present however it is not that driving force anymore… Its only a customary response that you’ve done for a long time but now is not deriving the same results of holding you back…
This final pieces of the puzzle has entered into your consciousness providing those A-ha moments that brings everything together for you…
This cosmic insight is shining a light on your path right now…
Follow that guidance and know it will lead you towards your dreams being fulfilled and closure to certain patterns, cycles & behaviours that have finally run their course… New beginning await on all levels…
As you access this innate wisdom you unlock the unique sovereign being that has always been within you… That quintessential quality of your uniqueness becomes visible to self… You’re starting to recognise your own greatness through the simplicity being YOU…
Your own soul truth has become a much bigger driving factor and responsibility to cultivate the life you know deep within you’re here to live because the final piece of the puzzle has been evident on what has been your block & insight on how to unlock your own miracles that await you…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards This Week Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Pieces of the Puzzle – This card is to honour the journey you have been on… All the final pieces of the puzzle are drawing near, so don’t quit yet!!!
Wednesday – Friday – Uniqueness – Your uniqueness is to be celebrated, rejoiced & owned for you are loved for all that you are…
Saturday & Sunday – Soul – The power of the soul is passion, creativity & intuition…. Look into your soul & connect with your higher self…
Now that powerful intuitive guidance has become so obvious, you’re ready to step into your power of igniting all that makes you truly amazing…
And embrace all that makes you YOU!!!
This is a defining turning point in your life… That moment where you’ve become aware of the new world your creating and how you can never go back to old world…
That leads to the weekend energy where you can see that this defining point can come with a little apprehension… It can be confronting thinking about how rapidly your world is about to shift… Which can trigger limitations or the old paradigm of excuses that kept your small before to surface… However this is what I love about oracle cards is there reveal the potential yet offer guidance on how to move through these moments of nervousness…
Its natural and healthy to have fears surface when making changes within your world…
Yet the wisdom from the uniqueness card and the soul card message provide the go to steps to stay align with your soul truth…
Which is: go within and remind yourself what makes you truly special… Own that fully in its entirety… Recognising those essences that only you possess that shape & give access to the core of your beingness is where you power lies…And this creates like a force field to deflect those fears and reunite your with your truth that will release the limitations and enable you to continue taking steps forward into the new world your creating…
Remind yourself that fears are only little stories you’ve told yourself on repeat which can be replaced with much more potent truths that access your uniqueness where you naturally radiate the essence of you…
And that is where you powerfully shift into new world…
And unlocks your manifesting potential upon the New Moon on December 25th…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher
PS>>> Are you sick of hiding your unique intuitive talent & want to step into 2020 embracing this amazing quality about you… I invite you to book a FREE Sacred Soul Chat here ▶︎ & lets chat about how to make this become a reality for you…