This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Clean Up Any Loose Ends
As we draw close to wrap up another year, your soul is guiding you to clean up any loose ends attached to 2018…
That may come in the form of any old residual healings, forgiveness, workcommitments, even decluttering your home…
You are being encouraged to finish this year strong & on your own terms… You’ll find ideas or insight being dropped into your consciousness inspiring you to complete what is really important to you, so that you can sit back & truly be present in enjoying the festive session without those constant reminders coming through revealing what is not concluded…
The beauty of this intuitive guidance is that your inate wisdom wants for you to start 2019 with a completely fresh slate…
The gorgeousness of this exercise alone will also reveal that you have accomplished so much more than you give yourself credit for…
This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Grounding – Ground your energy withMother Earth & connect with her wisdom…
Wednesday – Friday – Solitude – Draw all your energy inwardsfor there is where all the answers await…
Saturday & Sunday – Pathways – Follow your intuitive guidance that leads you to the pathway of happiness…
Remember you are more powerful than you realise… Allow your soul self to truly guide you on how to organise these finally few weeks of 2018 so that all the energy of this year stays here… And begin 2019 open, receptive & full of gorgeous optimism…
With the 23rd December being a Full Moon, here is your chance to finally give yourself permission to clear up an old energy vibrations that have been holding you back or unresolved…
The moon offers this potent time in her cycle to surrender to all that is nolonger serving you & become an open vessel for magic to work with you… Also,a powerful time of cleansing any of your healing tools (oracle/tarot cards,crystals etc) so that everything within yourself & environment is vibing harmoniously together…
Remember, always believe in the magic of your intuitive soul self…
If you want to step into your power, speak your truth & learn how to becomean oracle reader then book a deep gorgeous divine Sacred Soul Chat here:
Much Love
Rachael xx
International Psychic & Intuition Teacher