This Weeks Overall Theme Is: The Power Of Your Mindset
The magic of oracle cards is that they acts as a guidance tool helping you to navigate energy that present themselves and offer insightful wisdom on how best to work with the energy rather than be swept up in the energy of the week…
Your mindset is powered by the thoughts you choose to engage in… Thoughts activate emotional responses that can keep you frozen in doubts and fears or tap into your unlimited potential within your consciousness to expand & reinforcing potent affirmations that support the new growth you are experiencing…
December the 7th is a gorgeous New Moon… A time of planting the seeds of your dreams & nurturing their growth of the coming month… A moment to connect inwards with all the quiet voices encouraging you to believe in yourself & invest in you…
Everything begins with a thought… What thoughts do you want influencing your mindset…
This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Pathways – Follow your intuitive guidance that leads you to the pathway of happiness…
Wednesday – Friday – Illusions – Break through illusions & rediscover a new you…
Saturday & Sunday – Steps – Every step your life has led you towards this moment… Break through illusions that are preventing your growth…
Always believe in the guidance of your intuitive soul self…
Much Love
Rachael xx