This Weeks Overall Theme Is: You Are Divinely Protected
This week begins with a gorgeous jumping card, which means for anyone who doesn’t know… That a jumping card is a way that your soul wants you to take note of the message there trying to convey to you…
Which is the card of Limitations… Fears, self-doubt and anxiety will arrive as you become closet towards your soul’s growth…
These emotions arise yet draw out determination and motivation to succeed…
And through cultivating new belief systems that best support the direction you’re moving towards will promote increased self-belief…
Fear based thoughts are a natural part of the process when you’re on the road to success… So when you think about that logically these fears are messages from the soul reminding you to tap into that courageous aspect of self that activated that determined version of self that knows that you’re not going to stop taking action until you see your dreams become your reality…
And how many times have you heard the expression that fears are only stories that you’ve told yourself that can be changes at any time you want to invest in doing the internal work… Which I know that you’re at that place that is ready to kick things into the next level version of self…
And by visiting the emotions of WHY your chasing these dreams too…
By visualisng & activate all your senses that reconnects you with the feeling into your dreams so strong that every cells is immersed in the energy attached to them directly ignites your why they are so important… This exercise will motivate and inspire you to focus more on your WHY and also own the fears you’ve had…
By revisiting your fears from a learning experience you’ll discover that at some time in your life these fears held an emotional pull to drag you back from taking a leap of faith in fulfilling your dreams, but not anymore…
You’re completely aware that they are now a navigation tool to remind you that you’re nearly there, so keep going…
Which creates gorgeous new available space so that you can ignite that passion from your WHY that you can harness upon the New Moon on January 24th…
That beautiful moment of setting powerful intention along with confirmation from the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Card on Wednesday – Friday with the card of Pathways… This card message is so strong that you’re on the right path…
The orange on the card is about channelling that creative aspect of self when exploring your dreams… Being reminded that there is always more than one way to achieve what your heart and souls desires…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards This Week Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Limitations – Visualise yourself succeeding… Breathe in success & let go of limiting thoughts…
Wednesday – Friday – Pathways – Follow your intuitive guidance that leads you to the pathways of happiness…
Saturday & Sunday – Spiritual Being – I give permission to honour my spiritual essence & celebrate my spiritual journey…
Midweek’s message prompts you to clear up any task that haven’t been completed and clean up the energy within you and your environment… So you may feel pulled to spring clean the house and donate anything that you no longer need or go through your closet and get rid of those clothes that just vibe your renewed energy you’re creating…
When you set intentions upon the New Moon cleaning up any energy that is not vibrating the frequency you want or not allowing you to embody the frequency to manifest your dreams into reality… Time to create space for all those magical manifestations into the reality that they already exist in the now…
Are you ready for them…
Which leads you to the weekend where your soul wants you to review the fact that your being divinely protected from yourself and anything that has the potential to derail from consciously creating the life your deserve and know are ready to claim…
The spiritual being of self knows that your cosmic team will always guide you along your journey… All you need to do is ask for guidance & know that the answer will be returned back to you through signs & synchronicities…
So watch out for them… They are direct messages to your questions… Along with tuning into the feels that your soul brings into your awareness as confirmation that you’re on the right track for the pathway towards success…
Just a little reminder that you’re an incredibly powerful manifestor and you’re here to life an abundant life on every level… Believe that…
Wishing you an incredibly magical week filled with miracles and messages from your soul…
Feel free to anyone wanting to tap more directly into their soul to set your potent New Moon Intentions to download the New Moon Intention Reset Workbook today…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert & Intuition Teacher
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards are used for this week’s oracle cards, click here to learn more:
If you’re wanting to elarn how to read orcle cards and directl y tune into your intuitive soul self the book a FREE Sacred Soul Chat today…