This weeks overall theme is: become your own best cheer quad, that lifts you up when your feeling doubt and gives you a massive high five when you accomplish even the smallest of steps…
This Tuesday (for Australis, please check your time zone) is a New Moon… An incredibly powerful time to set new intentions for this coming year…
The energy for this week is about reverse engineer… As you focus has become about being introverted whilst you contemplate your vision for 2018 and not long got through the hustle of Xmas, we can tend to start to feel abit no so awesome, yet…
Your soul is guiding you to start with the external aspect of self and go within throughout the week to assist you on regrouping, getting back on track and setting powerfully aligned intentions…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – SASSY – Get up & put that amazing outfit that portrays your self confidence… Radiate your femme fatale… Be SASSY…
Wednesday – Friday – Reflection – The reflection of self represents the internal beliefs you hold about how you look… You judge yourself based on what you see…
Saturday & Sunday – Warrior Queen – The courage to BE YOU…
Everything begins with you & believe me, you are worth the invest of your own time & energy this week… How you FEEL will determine your results for the now and into the future… So lets get you feeling amazing once again…
Much Love
Rachael xx