Weekly Energy Forecast For January 29th – 4th Feb

This weeks overall theme is: Don’t get stuck visiting old pains – become empowered by your choices to maintain happiness… 

How have you been traveling with the lead up to the Super Blue Moon??? It has a real depth of intensity this month… The last time this type of full moon was here was 150 years ago… It is a rare opportunity to observe the 3 types of moons into one night – a blue moon, supermoon and an lunar eclipse… 

So what does this mean for you this week??? Your emotions & energy levels will be flutuating throughout the past month and can also continue for the coming week too… Some may be experiencing moments of doubts, fears, and low self esteem… So its so important for your mindset to do things that raise your vibration and elevate your levels of happiness and joy… 

Your past association to old people, places, events or situations, remember you have already lived the pain once so as these old emotions surface, look to how you gain a new level of perception around it and move on… 

It is ok to visit past pains but you don’t want to stay in those trapped emotions of pain either… Your are more powerful than that… 

This is a time of recognising all the tools & resources within you and available for free in many platforms that you can tap into to help shift your emotion states and maintain a level of happiness at the same time… 

Remember your soul knows what lessons you are needing to learn at this time… So take the lesson from past pains and that is it… 

It is time to focus on how do you want to feel on a consistent basis and then set about making that shit happen…

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:

Monday & Tuesday – Pathways – Follow the intuitive guidance that leads you to the pathway of happiness…
Wednesday – Friday – Steps – Every step in your life leads you towards this moment… Break through illusion that are preventing your growth…
Saturday & Sunday – Soul – The power of the soul is passion, creativity & intuition… Look into your soul & connect with your higher self… 

Much Love
Rachael xx