This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Go Within For Some Soul Searching
We come nearly to middle of the year and your soul is giving a little gentle nudge to remind you of the promises you have made this year and whether you are living your truth…
This week you will be doing some internal reflection considering that very question of “Are you being true to you!!!”
We all have a few moments where we can start to believe our own BS, and your soul is reminding you that that will not fly anymore… And you are being pulled up when you do drop into your own BS…
You will find that when that BS presents itself, there is some kind of fear under the surface that we are not wanting to acknowledge…
Fear of:
💕 Other peoples judgement of the choices you want to make…
💕 Fear of your own judgement…
💕 Considering what if things go wrong, without even considering what if it all went awesomely for you…
💕 What if you step up and you discover you’re not good enough or
💕 You simply settling for less than you deserve & shutting yourself down…
It’s perfectly ok to feel fear & a natural mechanism designed to keep you safe… BUT when it’s used to not even give something a go, thats when it shows up as BS…
Well this weeks your BS barometer will be going off!!! Your soul is urging you to break the cycle of excuses, fear & doubts being the gauge in which you make decision to switch gear and start saying YES to life…
You are here within this lifetime to play an active role in your life… You only learn through experiences and that is what you are here to have… Experiences not excuses…
One question to consider this week is “when your time comes to exit this world, do you want to have a memory bank full to the brim of experiences that brought so much joy, laughter & happiness or have played it safe and a memory bank full of could of, should of or would of…”
You decide this week what outcome you want to choose for your life…
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Femininity – Tap into your femininity… That goddess that is gentle, loving & nurturing… There is a real strength in softness that requires validating…
Wednesday – Friday – Solitude – Draw all your energy inwards for there is where the answers await…
Saturday & Sunday – Energy – Observe how you expend your energy…
Much Love
Rachael xx