Weekly Energy Forecasxt For May 11th – 17th
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Self Confidence Is Sexy On You
This weeks energy forecast comes to you through the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards
Monday & Tuesday – Hope – Stars shine so brightly they highlight your willpower & determination to reach all your goals… Hope aligns with faith to believe in yourself…
Wednesday – Friday – Courage –You have the courage of a lion… The eyes of a lion embody absolute focus, clarity & self-belief…
Saturday & Sunday – Energy – Observe how you expend your energy…
This week reveals the following effect from the full moon last week… Where emotions that surfaced are still lingering in your consciousness effecting your vibe…
Last week the overall theme was to allow your emotions to guide, however it reveals that you may be feeling stuck within those emotions triggering the wounded warrior and feel like things towards your goals are just not going according to your humanistic plan…
Yet the beautiful messages that came through when tapping into the current energy was:
‘Don’t downgrade your dreams to match your reality, upgrade your faith to match the frequency of your dreams…’
Sometimes when things don’t go as planned it’s because something far greater is awaiting you… You just can’t see it yet because you’ve dissolved your big picture vision and shrunk it down into a tiny box that just doesn’t fit your frequency…
So this is where the ‘Hope’ card comes into play… If you have hope, then you have everything within you to keep going… Take some time out to reassess your mindset and match your dreams again… Review your beliefs and challenge anything that filters into your awareness that is not in alignment with your dreams and heal anything from your past that is delaying your progression in the now and future
Make decisions that your future self will be grateful for…
Midweek delivers the ‘Courage’ card… Asking you if you are going to pretend that your dreams don’t matter and bury them down into the shadows of your soul or tap into that courageous, brave bold version of self that connects with that inner warrior queen that beliefs in herself & her dreams…
Remember, courage is confidence in action… Be so firm in your conviction of the direction you’re going that nothing will derail you from achieving everything you want…
Your soul is encouraging you to step up and reclaim your dreams…
You can do this… Connect with your big picture vision, let the essence of those radiate from within you as you shine your light forward… And when that happens there is nothing sexier than self-confidence…
Come the weekend is time to give your internal dialogue an overhaul…Your mental & emotional wellbeing is requiring a reboot…
Go into google to find affirmations or mantras that match the new beliefs you want to install within your beingness… Then speak the affirmations into the audio app on your phone and when you become aware of any negative thoughts filtering in, plug in your earbuds and listen to your mantras you’ve recorded so that you encode your mindset with a healthy positive affirmation that matches the energy that aligns with your dreams…
You want to have both your mindset and energy completely aligned with your vision & operate from the aspect of unity within to receive results that you want… And also, watch out for the signs and synchronicities as universal message revealing confidence booster that elevate your energy and ignite your self-confidence…
And nothing is sexier than someone who oozes self-confidence…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert |Intuition Teacher