This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Master Your Emotions
Your soul this week is definitely reminding you of your own great potential… At the start of the week, those intuitive nudges guiding you reset your energy & focus towards mapping out what actionable steps are required to achieve your goals…
There is no denying that there are huge energy shifts occurring, however with conscious awareness you have the ability to navigate with the energy to redirect your energy towards your dreams or choose to tap into the buzzy cosmic energy right now…
Your map will provide clarity & awareness to know where to channel your energy with every step you take & also take a sense of pride in choosing your dreams over drama…
When Mercury Retrograde comes around it becomes the time people use it as the blame game rather than taking accountability & following your soul guidance… This current energy with Mercury Retrograde means that things can take longer & slow you down so be mindful of that so that you don’t become reactive…
Midweek is about rising above any situation whether that’s from other people or of the collective consciousness & self, to unplug from the buzzy energy which can be so easily dramatized and diffuse any emotional charges that engage that reactive response to how others choose to experience this week…

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards This Week Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Dreams – Don’t give up just before you achieved your desired goal…
Wednesday – Friday – Rise Above – Rise above any situation & connect with universal energies to obtain clarity…
Saturday & Sunday – Courage – You have the courage of a lion… The eyes of a lion embody absolute focus, clarity & self-belief…
Remind yourself of the phrase ‘not my monkey not my circus…’ Take a step back, ground your energy with Mother Earth to stay connected with the emphasis of your dreams…
Find below grounding techniques & also the shower meditation to balance, protect & nourish your energy vibration so that you’re always vibing the energy that allows your soul to shine…
Which leads towards the weekend igniting your self-belief…
Having the courage to believe in the magic that is within you… Your dreams don’t work unless you do… So take those tiny steps daily knowing that with each step accelerates your confidence to trust, believe have faith that you can accomplish anything when you set your mind too…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert | Intuition Teacher