Weekly Energy Forecast For Oct 22nd – 28th

This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Happiness Is An Inside Job…😄😄😄

Yah another gorgeous Full Moon ☽☽☽ this week as it falls into the sign of Taurus… As the moon moves through the zodiac signs, that zodiac characteristics help provide support on how to clear your emotional baggage…

Here are some positive characteristics of a Taurean♉️♉️♉️…
Down To Earth
Good With Finances
Has An Eye For Beauty

As always there is always a polar opposite to each zodiac… Here are the not so constructive characteristics of a Taurean♉️♉️♉️:

I wanted to share these attributes as you may become aware of a new perception filtering in with the Full Moon… And it’s also important to have that awareness to when the not so constructive attributes start coming through so then you can create change immediately to bring yourself back into alignment…🙏🙏🙏

This week is all around as you can guess – clearing your sh!t… Your gorgeous soul is working overtime to remind you of your magnificence and is shining the light on the old dense energy consuming energetic space within you that your soul wants you to finally be free from…

There will two modes from which people can work from when releasing emotions:
#1 The Fuck It Mode – where you become so incredibly frustrated that you’ve just had enough and say fuck it, just clear this now… Commanding that it be gone…
#2 Surrender & Silent – that space where you become quiet & energetically drained that you also put up the white flag and totally surrender to everything that needs to be released…

This is not the time of judgement as to how you release these feelings from past experience… Each trigger from your past will invoke a different pain so let the pain be expressed in a way that feel right for you…

This Full Moon will be intense but please remember transformation doesn’t need to be hard, it really can be so simple, here’s how:

When a past pain comes into your consciousness, decide if you want to keep it or not…From here allow your beautiful soul & powerful mind to support & guide you… When you ask the right question, you will receive the wisdom you need to move forward… Here are so question I use myself:
What needs to be healed, transformed or cleared from this situation…

Now sometimes the whole experience/past pain may not require a new perspective but just a fragment from that time is all that needed to transform how you feel about it so that you can understand the lesson that you can take forward and let go of the emotional torment from that time…

Emotional mastery is when you can have that memory enter into your consciousness and not be triggered by it anymore… That is exactly what your soul is guiding you to right now…
Here is how you can work with the energy of this coming week to your benefit…

The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Pathways – Follow your intuitive guidance that leads you to the pathway of happiness
Wednesday – Friday – Transformation – Transformation is occurring on a cellular level… Metamorphosis transpires after a time of internal reflection…
Saturday & Sunday – Warrior Queen – The courage to ‘BEYOU’…

Here is a motto I designed just for you…👇👇👇

Here is the pdf I mentioned in the video to help you 👉👉👉 Clear Your Sh!T… 👈👈👈 Simply download it and create a sacred space to work through your emotions and become inspired and empowered through the choices you decide now…

Much Love
Rachael xx