This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Acceptance
We all have those defining moments where we recognise if we have hit our goals or let them slide… Now is not the time to get down on yourself – hell no…
This is the reset, recalibrate & realignment phase… This weeks energy is guiding you to let go of any of the reasons that you have not hit your goals and start being ok with where you are now, whilst getting a game plan on how are you going to go out there and chase those dreams down…
You have everything within to get there and what you do not have will be revealed and the right people will come into your life to help assist you with what is missing…
Remember energy loves momentum and this week is all about moving that energy towards what sets your soul on fire..
This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Contentment – You have reached a stage in your life where you are peaceful… The soul can soar & the heart of free…
Wednesday – Friday – Hope – Stars shine so bright they highlight your willpower & determination to reach your goals… Hope aligns you with faith to believe in yourself…
Saturday & Sunday – Focus – Your mind is brimming with so many ideas it makes it a challenge to focus…
Always believe in the magic of your intuitive soul self…
Much Love
Rachael xx