This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Surrender Gorgeous Soul
This week is a powerful message coming through from your soul… This weeks first two cards are jumping cards which means that your soul is working behind the scenes for you to receive this message that you may have dismissed or overlooked…
So this week’s energy forecast I’m going to reverse engineer the messenger and then bring it all together for you…
On Saturday the 14th Sept is a gorgeous Full Moon…
A time where the past comes back into your conscious awareness as a message from your soul illuminating what is potentially holding you back or where is there is still unresolved emotional attachment to either a person, situation, event, habits, pattern or cycle that is holding you energetically back to that time when it first occurred to you…
At least a week leading up to the Full Moon, events that occurred to you where you’ve supressed, hidden or buried within you are being highlighted for you… These experiences are being brought to the surface as an innate message from your soul & the universe to remind you that you are no longer that person anymore… You are no longer the wounded victim, rather you are the empowered survivor of that moment and now its time to clear the energetic connection to that time in your life…
And you can surrender those old emotional baggage holding you hostage to that pain or choose symbolic rituals that you feel attuned with to clear them… Here are #3 of my favourite Full Moon rituals that may connect with you to help set your free from the past…

This Weeks ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards Are:
Monday & Tuesday – Speak Your Truth – Speak from your heart & connect with your truth…
Wednesday – Friday – Uniqueness – Your uniqueness is to be celebrated, rejoiced & owned for you are loved for all that you are…
Saturday & Sunday – Moon Cycles – The moon will enable you to connect to aspects of self that yearn to be acknowledged & honoured…
Now coming back to the start of the week with speak your truth card… This soulful message is asking that you go within and bring a real, raw, authentic truth to your current circumstances… Ask yourself empowering questions like:
✔️Do you still feel pain attached to the person, situation, event, cycle or pattern that is being presented right now… If yes, what needs to resolved here to obtain closure around this experience…
✔️Do you need a sacred space to validate your emotions, thoughts & feeling from that time so you can move forward…
✔️Or have you become programmed so much that this time in your life has become hardwired into your current story that you identify with it even if its painful for you…
Whatever it is that come through, honour it and give yourself what you need for the bigger picture which is closure and attuning to the survivor within…
The moment you bring that transparency into your world is the moment magic happens…
Because this time in your life is no longer hiding in the shadows activating blame, shame, guilt or any other harmful behaviours…
You take your personal power back by allowing the light to shine on it and choosing other options that harness that empowered version of you…
Then mid week is about reminding yourself from the survivor perception that this pain has shaped you into the most gorgeous being & that you are unique in every way… You are here upon this earth as an imperfectly perfect being that is learning this lifetime for the very first time & that there is no other beautiful soul like you…
Each experience has been apart of your soul contract to evolve, grow and embrace all that you are… You didn’t do anything wrong, you are not being punished for the life you have, they are in fact apart of your soulful journey where you’ll continue to evolve and make mistakes along the way…
Each time reminding you that you are enough…
That everything about you is valued, worthy and here for a reason… Shift your perception from painpoints to harness all that you are…
Remembering that the full moon not only illuminates our pain but also shines the light on our own uniqueness to remind you of your magnificence…
The world is ready for you to BE YOU!!!
You can either embrace what your soul is revealing or cloud it over with doubts and fears and allow that to become your focus… Life is filled with choices and you also get to design the life you want from those choices…
You are stronger than you think and through clearing your baggage, you clear that from all the generations around you and yet to come… Allow that to become your driver when you’re thinking of quitting on yourself…
If you’re ready to BE YOU and want to tap into that intuitive goddess within then I invite you book a Sacred Soul Chat here today:
Much Love
Rachael xx
Intuition Teacher & International Psychic