Weekly Energy Forecast For March 9th – 15th
This Weeks Overall Theme Is: Find Your Inner Bliss Through Emotional Mastery
Monday & Tuesday – Contentment – You have reached a stage in your life where you are peaceful… The soul can soar and the heart is free…
Wednesday – Friday – Frustration – What you think is frustrating is only surface deep…
Saturday & Sunday – The World – The world is your oyster… Success shall follow…
Tonight is a gorgeous full moon that you know is when the moon is at its highest volume of energy and radiates that illuminating light into the place where you past pains are in order to transform and transmute the energy being trapped there within your physical being…
Every month this powerful moment occurs to clear your shit…
Simply by letting it go to the old pains and surrender to the higher forces that are guiding you… Which is the magic from Mother Earth providing these energetic portals to cleanse, clear and reset your energy on a cellular level…
Which is why the contentment card comes through revealing that you’ve drawn a line in the sand and are so ready to let go of your emotional baggage and cultivate a state of inner bliss… That reminds you that you have choices on how you want to experience the current energies…
With so many energies floating around right now, there is a collective state of stress & fear being triggered right now… Which completely detracts you away from staying in a state of inner peace…
And that is what I love about oracle cards is they reveal divine messages that tap into the soul for your overall health & wellbeing and share ways to cultivate your inner bliss again…
Your exterior world is influencing your inner sanctum therefore initiating a reaction response that determines your choices right now…
And that is not your natural state…
Your natural state is to come from soul not being trapped in your head, overthinking everything and being triggered by the outside world…
Take a listen to this week’s video below highlighting how you can bring awareness to the outside world, however, not being influenced by it…
Want to clear your fears, doubts, and those illusions that hold you back from shining your magic with the world, then download the Full Moon Empowerment Reset Workbook…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert & Intuition Teacher
The ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards are used for this week’s oracle cards, click here to learn more: http://bit.ly/2iDUXE2