There is a subtle shift occurring right now as Mercury Retrograde went direct on March 10th, however you may still find the energy of retrograde can continue for another week ok…
And its a fabulous time to sit back and reflect over what have you learnt about yourself through the retrograde period…
The insight you recieve can serve you to your higher self upon the New Moon on March 24th…
When you discover what has been holding you back, or where you can strengthen a specific quality or trait will unlock so much of your own potential…
Now, it’s that time of the week to have some intuitive fun with your soul and deeply connect with receive infinite wisdom from within using the ‘BEYOU’ Oracle Cards as your guide…
Are you ready!!!
So here is Woohoo Wednesday for you to receive the divine soulful message luv…
All you need to do is scroll down so you can only see the ‘PICK A CARD’ image below & then
Take a deep breath & centre yourself…
If you have a specific question you’re seeking guidance around, now is the time to tune into it, or otherwise here are some question that you may feel attuned towards:
“What do I need to believe to live my truth” or
“How can I practice courage daily” or
“How can I manifest my goals” or
So just feel into what feels right for you…
And when you feel ready then pick a card that you feel the most drawn to, then scroll down to see the instant reveal or watch the full reading on Youtube… Links available under each card choice… ⬇️

Card Option #1

Card Option #2

Card Option #3

Have you ever wanted to read oracle cards yet your fears get in the way… Are your ready to break through those fears and step into your divine powers and do what sets your soul on fire???
Then I invite you to a FREE Sacred Soul Chat where together we can discuss how make that become your reality…
Have an amazing week gorgeous…
Much Love
Rachael xx
Oracle Card Expert & Intuition Teacher