Woohoo Wednesday

Let’s have some intuitive fun!!! Let all expectations simply fall away & tune into your soul… Take a deep breath, centre yourself & think of a question you want to receive soulful guidance around or simply ask: ‘What do you want me to know?’ and be open to the message that comes through your card choice……

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How To Release Emotions That Disempower You

Whenever you are out there being courageous & brave enough to chase your dreams, goals, or new moon intentions, its only natural that fears and doubts come into your consciousness… The moment you start to step out of your comfort zone alarm bells go off inside you that want to pull you back to the…

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Weekly Energy Forecast For Feb 24th – March 1st

This week I decided to design this weeks energy forecast around the question of ‘how to rapidly manifest your new moon intentions’… The moon phases amplify energy and when you learn how to tap into the frequency of what the moon provides, it accelerates what you’re working on… So with that said, I wanted to…

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Are You Celebrating Your Accomplishments

How often to you get to Sunday and all your thoughts are focussed on the coming week ahead… Like, what you’ve got to do, the things you need to get organised and the million of things on your to do list and feel a sense of overwhelm at the magnitude of things that are before…

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Woohoo Wednesday

Let’s have some intuitive fun!!! Let all expectations simply fall away & tune into your soul… Take a deep breath, centre yourself & think of a question you want to receive soulful guidance around or simply ask: ‘What do you want me to know?’ and be open to the message that comes through your card…

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How To Keep Your Passion Alive

Have you ever thought about your passion and it sparks that inspiration that lights your soul on fire, but just dont know how to maintain that momentum to achieve your goals??? Don’t worry ok!!! In this video below Im going to reveal to how to stay: Inspired,In flow,Aligned,Motivated,Driven,Focussed,Intuitively guided,Connected to you soul wisdom,Tapping into productive…

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Are Your Focussing On Your Desires Or Feeding Your Fears

This video is not just pertinent for when Mercury Retrograde occurs, it is for anytime that fears come up, ok gorgeous… Fears are patterns played on repeat that whenever you want to step out of your comfort zone or channel your energy towards taking a step towards something that really ignites your passion or pupose…

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Weekly Energy Forecast For Feb 17th – 23rd

The The Overal Theme This Weeks Is: What Do You Want!!! As you move through the gentle energy of Mercury Retrograde there are some incredibly potent divine messages that come subtly into your awareness to help you growth & expand into your highest potential… And right now is no different… This week you’re been encouraged…

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You Can’t Get Courage Without Walking Through Vulnerability

The headline is a quote by-Brene Brown- For some time we have been led to believe that vulnerability was an emotional expression of weakness… Old paradigms have equated vulnerability to be something that would encourage people to take advantage of you or the situation because it was considered that you’re not strong enough to cope…

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Are Your Resisting Your Soul Guidance

You all hear me talk about being aware of where your energy is and to follow the guidance if you’re being lead toward rest… And this also work in alignment with this weeks energy forecast for mid week being the soulful message of STOP!!! Well stop I have!!!  I wanted to share with you that…

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